Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's All About Jim: A True Story

Despite popular belief, the old battle-hardened Tull fan know to most of you as Slippery Jim has not slipped off of the face of Tulldom, but is alive, well, and still listening to Tull. Jim is most commonly known for his protesting the discontinuation of TullChat on the Official Jethro Tull Website. But what is not commonly known is that he is getting married in December. This has widely contributed to his lack of time to stick around and chat with fellow Tull fans but it has not dimmed his passion for the greatest band ever. However, his lack time for his Tull blog and his accidental slip on the keyboard has spurred a new blog about Slippery Jim himself:

He is flattered of course and would like to encourage the blog manager to keep the blog updated at all times. In the mean time, Jim would like all Tull fans around the world to know that he can't wait for the new Tull album and will keep you posted to his best ablility.

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